District Managers

Welcome to the district managers resource page. Here you will find materials to assist you in training personnel in your district meetings and other group or one on one training sessions.

The PowerPoint presentations will be posted here along with any available facilitator’s guide. If you would like to see a facilitator’s guide for any training course contact David Mount at ext. 225. The goal is to provide support for all management training.

Kelly Paper Service Standards Workbook PowerPoint Presentation
Telephone Service Standards Workbook PowerPoint Presentation
Dealing With Difficult Employees Workbook ~ PowerPoint ~ Presentation
Supervision and Delegation Workbook PowerPoint – Presentation
The Feedback Process Workbook – Facilitator’s Guide – PowerPoint – Presentation
Understanding Gross Profit Workbook –  PowerPoint – Presentation
The Sales Presentation Process Workbook – Facilitator’s Guide – PowerPoint ~ Presentation
The Sales Process Workshop Presentation Investigating Needs Handout
SPIN Selling Workbook ~ Workbook – Facilitator’s Guide  – PowerPoint –  Presentation
Suggestive Selling Workbook  PowerPoint –  Presentation
Time Management Basics Workbook PowerPoint  Presentation

Goal Management with Microsoft Outlook Workbook – PowerPoint –  Presentation
Time Management – The Franklin Planner Workbook – PowerPoint – Presentation
The Benefits of Prioritizing Workbook PowerPoint ~ Presentation
Ten Keys to Motivating People Workbook – PowerPoint – Presentation
Strategic Thinking Workbook  – PowerPoint –  Presentation
Building Winning Teams Workbook  – PowerPoint –  Presentation
Personal Accountability Workbook – PowerPoint –  Presentation
The New Managers Guide to Leadership Success Workbook –  PowerPoint – Presentation
The Kelly Paper Top 10 Management Workshop Workbook –  PowerPoint
The Power of Volume End Users Workbook – PowerPoint –  Presentation


How to Facilitate Group Training

Focus Management Training Outline

Harvard Manage Mentor Strategic Thinking Audio Brief – Strategic Thinking Audio Right click and select “Save Target As” to save file to your desktop

Harvard Manage Mentor Strategic Thinking Transcript  Brief – Strategic Thinking Transcript 

Harvard Manage Mentor Coaching Audio Brief – Coaching Audio Right click and select “Save Target As” to save file to your desktop

Harvard Management Update – Building Effective Teams in Real Time

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