
The Hidden Power of a Smile

It’s free to use but provides more than we really understand. A smile. Watch this Ted Talk and be ready to share your thoughts with the Kelly Work Form Home Group.

Watch on YouTube

Happiness: What Your Mother Didn’t Tell You

In this lesson, we look at the science of happiness. Society has its script and prescription for a happy life. View this video then we will discuss how this concept reaches into our views of living a happy life.

Watch on YouTube

Lessons From Groundhog Day

Everyone is familiar with the premise of the movie “Groundhog Day”.

Phil Connors finds himself reliving the same day over, and over, and over. This simple premise is a great engine for comedy, and the film is full of hilarious moments… as well as some life lessons that we will explore together.

Watch on YouTube

WFH – How to Never Be Boring in Conversation

Lessons from Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks has one of the most captivating personalities in Hollywood. What’s interesting is that his charm has much less to do with what he’s saying, compared to how he says it.

This video breaks down four habits that make everything Tom says more interesting and how you can use these same techniques to ensure that you are never boring, even if your topic is less than interesting.

Watch on YouTube

WFH – Health and Safety

WFH – Product Line

View these topics to learn more about various products.

WFH – Motivational

View these videos when you need a shot of motivation.

WFH – Customer Service Training

The topics in this lesson are customer service videos, articles, and presentations from various sources.

The Six Disrupters of Customer Experience

This video lesson is from Ron Kaufman, customer service author, and the founder of Up Your Service.

This lesson focuses on some simple ways to deliver service excellence.

To finish this lesson:
– Watch the video
– Take the quiz
– Print your certificate of completion

The Six Disruptors of Customer Experience  Duration = 17:36

7 Coaching Tips for Managers and Leaders

Managers and leaders are critical to the success of a business, and so are effective coaching skills. Consistent coaching helps with employee onboarding and retention, performance improvement, skill improvement, and knowledge transfer. On top of these benefits, coaching others is an effective method for reinforcing and transferring learning.

To complete this lesson:

  1. Read the article 7 Coaching Tips for Managers and Leaders
  2. Pass the quiz
  3. Print your certificate of completion

Use this handy Infographic for more focus – From Manager to Coach

Birkinshaw’s Four Dimensions of Management

Management is a complicated topic that takes on a variety of roles and functions within any organization. If you work as a manager in some capacity, you understand just how flexible you need to be in order to accomplish your objectives successfully. One of the challenges that come with being a leader is deciding just how to go about your job and what management styles are going to be most successful for you in your organization. While some of your styles are likely to be ‘natural’ to you, other parts of it you might have to work until you find a method that you are comfortable with.

To complete this lesson:

  1. Read the article Birkinshaw’s Four Dimensions of Management
  2. Take the quiz
  3. Print your certificate of completion


Taking Responsibility Is the Highest Mark of Great Leaders

Why does one person get selected for promotion while others with equal skills, education, and experience get passed over? While there may be several valid answers to that question, I submit that a person’s demonstrated willingness to behave responsibly is one of the major reasons.

To complete this topic do the following:

Store Appearance

The way we take care of our stores has a direct impact on the way our customers think of our ability to provide service. This lesson covers some of the details that make a difference in how a Kelly Paper store should look and operate.

My Kelly How To Guide – Getting Started

This lesson will show you how to get customers signed up with My Kelly and how to use the features available on the site.

To complete this lesson:

  • View the video presetation
  • Take the quiz

MindTools on Communication Skills

This lesson will help you become a skilled communicator.

MindTools on Career Skills

This MindTools lesson focuses on skills that will help you manage your career more effectively. Start by understanding how to set career direction, play to your strengths, and shape your work life for maximum success.

Some of the skills covered here are:

  • Attention to detail
  • How to Be Conscientious
  • Managing Your Emotional Intelligence
  • Professionalism
  • and more

MindTools on Time Management

Review the topics in this lesson to learn how to a more effective time manager.

What is Delegating?

To complete this lesson:

Techniques to help you multitask more efficiently

To complete this lesson:

MindTools on Team Management

In this lesson you will discover the The Skills You Need to be a Great Boss from the MindTools team.

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2 thoughts on “Lessons

  1. David Mount Post author

    Hi Rudy,

    Yes there is a pass or fail. If you pass you are taken to the result of the lesson or course. If you do not pass you are prompted to retake the quiz. This was addressed in the tutorial that I emailed with the Hazcom intro. My apologies if the instruction was not clear.


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