Kelly Paper Online Training

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Welcome To Kelly Paper Online Training.

With this Learning Management System (LMS) you will not only view your training content at your convenience but your efforts are all tracked automatically.

Employee education is an essential part of your development. In order to keep you where you are needed, assisting your customers and your team, we have developed an online training platform that is designed to reinforce the training you receive from other team members, your Store Manager, Department Manager or District Manager. You will be viewing and listening to prerecorded training material in the key areas of our business operations.

This site captures your activity and tracks your progress for your review. If you have questions about courses you have taken or suggestions for new ones you can use the comment box or contact me directly:

David Mount

Corporate Trainer
Phone: 562-698-1199 ext. 1525
Mobile: 951 818 9114


9 thoughts on “Kelly Paper Online Training

  1. Arnold Santiago


    Just tried the invoice preview feature in Order Entry and it worked but the margins are off so it does not print on 1 page and also it cuts off the right side of the page. Is there something I can do on my end?


  2. Arnold Santiago

    Where can I find the information from today’s webinar? I thought I heard you say it was on the LMS site but I may have been mistaken.

    1. David Mount Post author

      Hi Arnold,

      I just sent links to Rudy. Also I’ll have the content ready on the site shortly.

      David Mount

  3. John r. Olmos

    I just Completed the I-9 Training Videos that Ed Sterling sent out 1-15-15
    Completed on 1-30-15 at 1:30pm or so.

  4. Robert Naylor

    I just completed the I-9 training video’s that Ed Sterling sent out today 1/15/2015
    (completed time approx. 2:45pm)

    Bob Naylor

    1. David Mount Post author

      Thanks Chris. Glad to see you so involved on the site. I’ll look forward to your suggestions.

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