MindTool – How Good Are Your Leadership Skills

Score Interpretation:

Score Comment
18-34 You need to work hard on your leadership skills. The good news is that if you use more of these skills at work, at home, and in the community, you’ll be a real asset to the people around you. You can do it – and now is a great time to start! (Read below to start.)
35-52 You’re doing OK as a leader, but you have the potential to do much better. While you’ve built the foundation of effective leadership, this is your opportunity to improve your skills, and become the best you can be. Examine the areas where you lost points, and determine what you can do to develop skills in these areas. (Read below to start.)
53-90 Excellent! You’re well on your way to becoming a good leader. However, you can never be too good at leadership or too experienced – so look at the areas where you didn’t score maximum points, and figure out what you can do to improve your performance. (Read below to start.)

MindTool – How Good Are Your Leadership Skills