Reasonable Suspicion Testing: What Supervisors Need to Know

Topic Progress:

Running Time: 26:41

This training program has been updated to reflect changes to DOT drug testing regulations effective 1/1/18.

This video helps you comply with the requirements of 49 CFR 382.603 (all persons designated to supervise drivers must receive at least 60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and 60 minutes of training on controlled substance use). Reasonable Suspicion Testing: What Supervisors Need to Know covers:

  • The reasonable suspicion process (observe, confirm, document, confront and test)
  • How supervisors should approach a driver who may be impaired, and techniques that can help ease a difficult situation
  • Documenting observed behavior, and the requirements for doing so
  • What happens after the driver is tested
  • The warning signs of alcohol misuse and drug abuse, and what supervisors should look for when determining reasonable suspicion
  • The effects of alcohol and drugs on the body

Watch this video to help your supervisors gain the knowledge and confidence they need to make reasonable suspicion determinations and help protect your company, your drivers, and the general driving public.

To view this video use Access Code: w7P9Rp (good through Thursday, November 11, 2021)

View the Video: Reasonable Suspicion Testing: What Supervisors Need to Know